#6 of 7 Lower Back Stretches to Reduce Pain and Build Strength


Cat-Cow is a great way to wake up your spine while also stretching your shoulders, neck, and chest.

To do Cat-Cow, follow these steps:

  1. Come onto all fours in a tabletop position (hands and knees on the ground).

  2. Press into your hands and feet as you inhale to look up, allowing your belly to fill with air.

  3. Exhale, tucking your chin into your chest and arching your spine toward the ceiling.

  4. Continue this pattern of movement, moving with each breath.

  5. Do this for 1 to 2 minutes.


If you have wrist concerns, place your hands slightly forward instead of directly under your shoulders. If you have any knee concerns, place a cushion under them for padding and support.

For deeper holds, simply remain in each position for 5 to 20 seconds at a time instead of moving with each breath.


#7 of 7 Lower Back Stretches to Reduce Pain and Build Strength


#5 of 7 Lower Back Stretches to Reduce Pain and Build Strength